I've just spent the last 24 hours watching the Chilean miners be rescued. This is the most amazing thing I think I've ever seen and looking at this rescue should give everyone some perspective on life. My only concern is that they are so happy about bringing the miners home that they are going to forget about the rescue workers and they are going to have to live underground. Also, the Chilean Mining Minister is kind of hot.
So how was your Thanksgiving long weekend? Mine was pretty good. I didn't over stuff myself on turkey dinner for the first time EVER and I saved my sister's dog from certain death (She will in fact eat anything, anytime, anywhere). We had dinner at my parents place, and seriously, immediately after dinner everyone else went downstairs and watched TV (read: fell asleep) while my mom and I cleaned up (I'm not going to lie, she cleaned up). My parents are heading down to Texas for the winter in a couple of weeks so now I wonder, where are all of us kids going to eat on weekends for the next 6 months??? Moms diner is the only place I can afford these days.
Sat was also my brother's 40th bday party and in order to avoid a break up BF and I decided it would be best for us to cab it to and from so that we could both drink. I was going to drink anyway, really it was just him who would have to be DD - now do you see why I don't have my licence? hee hee. The party was a good time. We went through 2 bottles of Jager and my brother was passed out shortly after 11pm. I think the excitement of recieving that new walker (with seat and brakes!) really wore him out.
So we never made it to the corn maze, which was pretty disappointing to me (yeah, I whined about it several times), but everyone (except me and BF) were hungover disasters so it was probably best to not scare the small children by us showing up looking like death. Right? Next year for sure though - BF and I already have plans for a milk off (they have fake cows) and I'm sure the corn cannon will produce some sort of a story that will be turned into a PSA.
This week I play my first curling game. We've had 3 practices but I'm still concerned that we might not make the Olympics any time soon. Maybe we should play for another country, like Albania or Nigeria - I bet one of those Nigerian Prince's could sponsor our team! I wish I could get some video of us in action because I usually fall over and my sister is SO cranky and swears like a trucker for the whole 2 hours, it's actually quite comical. We did get matching jackets though, so at least we will look like we're supposed to be on the ice.
Random thougts:
It's almost time to get my annual smelly pine cones for the Fall/Winter season. They are the closest thing I have to a plant - A bowl full of brown, dead useless plant.
I was sure I saw a UFO last week. For the 4th time in my life. No anal probes yet.
Civic election on Monday - Only losers don't vote. Don't be a loser! In case you care, I'm voting for Nenshi - I think he is the best choice to take this city and move it forward and the least likely to spend city $'s on hookers and blow.
Nickels annoy me.
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